Star Trek is This Generation’s… WHA??

Grand Hyperbole

Do you know what hyperbole is?
Do you know who Kirk Montgomery is?
Do you know what you get when you mix the two?

I just heard an advertisement for the new Star Trek movie in which Mr. Montgomery is quoted as saying that the new Star Trek is “this generation’s Star Wars”. ORLY? I thought it was supposed to be this generation’s STAR TREK!!!!



Following this new variation on logic I can only surmise that:

  • “House” must be this generation’s “Gone With The Wind”.
  • The new Will Ferrell remake of “Land of the Lost” must be this generation’s “French Connection”.
  • “Transformers 2” must certainly be this generation’s “Citizen Kane”
  • and who could deny that “Operation Runway” represents this generation’s “From Here to Eternity”??

Alls I know is that THIS generation have their heads up their collective asses and that Mr. Montgomery is leading the charge. Just like Humphrey Bogart in “Ironman 2”.

Now THERE was a classic.

One Comment on “Star Trek is This Generation’s… WHA??”

  1. It’s all ok Drew since Kirk Montgomery is this generation’s Siskel and Ebert. Two thumbs way up for him.

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