Some people find it incomprehensible that I have survived all these years without cable television and up until recently I took great pride in my ability to resist that expensively juicy electronic teat but September of two thousand and five is when I arrived late to the party for the HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm” (CYE) starring “Seinfeld” Co-Creator Larry David. In the past two weeks I’ve been mainlining all four seasons on DVD and kicking myself for missing out on the glorious fun of a guy who thinks that the character of George Costanza is normal because it would’ve have been fun to talk about the show with people when it was still fresh. Even worse, it turns out that I’ve worked on TWO films with one of Larry’s co-stars, Jeff Garlin, once in the early 90’s and once in the late 90’s after CYE had aired. If you’re a rabbit ears person like me and if you enjoyed the Seinfeld show then drop by your local Blockbusters and pick up the first season of this show. You’ll love it or you’ll hate it. Me? I can’t stop watching.