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The page you were trying to find has been relocated. Please try using this site’s search function to track down your desired article as it is probably still on the site. For your convenience I am providing brand new links to a few of the most popular broken links to my site. Thanks for visiting!
Cardboard Stormtroopers
The event that made us ‘famous’ in sci-fi convention circles, this year I announced to the guys that our 2006 cardboard costumes would be themed along the lines of stormtroopers from Star Wars, in line with the recent rewrite of my screenplay. The crowd loved it as much as we did. ;)
Architecture Cards
In the early 90’s comic book and trading cards were cool again and I was poised atop that wave!
Firefly Movie
The television show “Firefly” was hot on the trail of Star Trek, having been turned into a feature film after being cancelled by Fox Television. I wrote my impressions of a pre-screening of the feature film and noted that there was an uptick in the people who arrived at my website, apparently due to my impression as a “non-fan”.