A few weeks ago I was in the drive-through line at the big Krispy Kreme store in Atlanta, trying to scrape together enough money to pay for a small coffee. As I triumphantly drew forth the last floppy dollar from my wallet and turned to find some change something about that tatty dollar bill caught my eye…. I held it up in the morning light and noted that some brigand had stamped something on the bill. Holding it up to my face I saw that it read “Abolish the Federal Reserve”. Several things flashed through my mind… first was instant patriotism and anger that someone had defiled my country’s currency. This was replaced by the sad realization of my own ignorance at what might drive someone to want the Federal Reserve to be dismantled, which was quickly replaced by a fervent desire to have several more of these horribly defaced bills to put toward the purchase of a chocolate cake doughnut, which was replaced by the realization that there was yet something else wrong with this bill….. holding it up even closer to my face I saw that some wag had penned in a comment beneath the protester’s stamp: “Then why did you spend this dollar?”. Tee hee. Yeah, I saved the bill and paid the lady at the window with a bunch of change… this bill made my day ;)