Update: the banner from the 2018 Dragon Con Filk track has been recovered.
This year the folks who run the Dragon Con Filk track suffered a most grievous loss. Some unknown person removed a handmade banner from their room.
Retiring Director Robby Hilliard’s wife Leigh provided me with the photo featured in this post.
As you can see it’s a one of a kind piece, made even more priceless by the fact that it was created by the late mother of one of the people who routinely volunteer for the Filk track. What a terrible feeling it must be to have her mother’s artwork disappear like this.
Please help spread the word around the internet in hopes that the person(s) who removed this beautiful banner will find a way to return it to its rightful owners, no questions asked (although the universal “Did you mean to be such a turkey?” looms large).
I am hoping that the person(s) who removed the banner did so in hopes of preventing it from being taken by others, and simply have not had time to reach out to the convention to find out how to return it – only tonight a friend described how he once secured a seemingly-abandoned banner for a vendor during the last day of con, arranging its safe return with them afterward.
If you are interested in learning more about Filk you should follow the Dragon Con Filk Music Track on Facebook.