While we still don’t have legislators locked in to put the Film-GA license plate up for this year’s legislative session we haven’t given up yet. Meanwhile, I’ve been having a lot of fun updating the Film-GA.com website with bios of people in the Georgia film industry (over 30 now!). It’s been a lot of fun interviewing people about their lives and adventures – it’s remarkable how little I knew know about the people that I’ve worked alongside for years!
The most recent addition to Film-GA.com (and the longest bio by far) belongs to Bart Patton, who most of us know as a 1st AD here in Georgia. What many of you don’t know is that Bart was a famous boy clown (shown here age 10 with comedian Bob Hope), starring on a very popular Chicago-based children’s show in the late 1940’s and that he attended UCLA with Francis Ford Coppola.
Update as of December 7, 2009: The Film-GA website went into dormancy during the fight for tax incentives and has only recently reemerged. The profiles mentioned in this article have been pulled for the time being and will likely be re-introduced as featured posts about Georgians working in the motion picture industry.