Sunday Paper : Readers’ Choice Awards 2007

A friend just emailed me a link to The Sunday Paper’s website where they’re asking for nominations for their “Best of Atlanta” awards. You can click here to go to their poll (a link which is certain to stop working a month or so after this is posted), or you can continue reading to see how I voted. Notice that I left blanks for places I didn’t have opinions. How would YOU vote? Post your picks in the comments section~

1. Best local celebrity
Captain Drew ( – I wish I was as cool as him, oh… wait…

2. Best local celebrity you love to hate
Cynthia McKinney – There should be a channel for her, she’s like a real-life sitcom

3. Best TV newscast

4. Best TV news personality
Flip Spiceland

5. Best radio station
WSB Radio

6. Best drive-time morning show
The Regular Guys (yes, I *know* they’re off the air… I’m just sayin’ is all…)

7. Best radio DJ

8. Best talk radio show
Neal Boortz

9. Best arts festival

10. Best music festival

11. Best film festival
Dragon*Con’s film festival

12. Best improv group
Dad’s Garage

13. Best theater company

14. Best local playwright

15. Best local theater director

16. Best local male actor – film or theater

17. Best local female actor – film or theater

18. Best local filmmaker
Dan Bush

19. Best local movie star

20. Best movie theater

21. Best dance company

22. Best concert venue

23. Best karaoke bar

24. Best comedy club

25. Best local musician/music group

26. Best local musician – with the biggest ego
Strong Bad (keep it rolling)

27. Best local music producer

28. Best local record label

29. Best jukebox
The Angel (pub) has Star Wars on theirs and will play your iPod for you if you’re cool

30. Best pool hall

31. Best museum

32. Best museum you’ve never heard of
Museum of Patriotism (on Spring Street) – as long as people are people, tribalism is here to stay

33. Best art gallery
Boswell Gallery

34. Best local attraction

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